Not sure how these compare to the noname brands at a third the price, but the asking price seems way to high.Followed instructions online and I saw zero difference a couple days after the first 1hr application. I used controlled lighting and whitebalance to take comparative shots, as to allow me to measure a difference in photoshop, but results were the same.I've done a few more applications so far and I'm starting to see a very subtle difference I suppose, but it's far less than I expected. Perhaps my teeth are already white? Who knows. I don't drink coffee or tea and use a whitening toothpaste already.Speaking of toothpaste, I use Sensodyne, which is supposed to help reduce the pain with these strips. Despite it, these strips still hurt like crazy for me. The first time I used the strip, an hour after the treatment my teeth started to ache pretty intensely. It persisted for a day or two.I should of probably finished all the 7 strips by now, but I can't use them daily due to the pain; I need to give a couple days in between.. I might of been better off with a 20-strip version that's less intense?Considering the high price, the pain, and slow/mild results, I have to say I'm not too impressed. I will be purchasing noname in-store brand versions for now on I think.update:I finally finished the set of 7 treatments off today. The pain of the first treatment was far higher than the other treatments, but I think that was in part to me learning to not fold back the overhanging parts of the strips onto the back of my teeth. I just folded the overhanging parts onto themselves, and that helped limit the sensitivity. Usually they held in place without slipping to much.I can't say I really see a difference in my teeth via a mirror, but technically they are every so slightly whiter so says the camera. Important I guess. I worry now though that inbetween the teeth the whitening didn't do anything, making it maybe look a bit like I don't brush my teeth; I suppose that's a potential downside of whitening strips if used longterm. Based on the instructions, I shouldn't whitening anymore anyways, but rather go see a dentist -- which is annoying because I really don't feel there was a noticeable change. Personally, I think these whitening strips are priced far too high, but if you are persistent and careful, perhaps you can get the results you want for a few hundred bucks at home using them.They hurt to use, so they must being doing something, right?-s